Spooky But Kid-Friendly Movies For Friday The 13th

Spooky But Kid-Friendly Movies For Friday the 13th Spilling salt. Picking up a penny on tails. Walking under a ladder. Breaking a mirror. Opening an umbrella inside the house. Having a black cat cross your path. Friday the 13th. Although most people...

There’s No Hierarchy For Pain (And Other Lessons From The NICU)

Ten weeks ago, I sat in my then three-day-old daughter’s isolation room in the NICU, sobbing to the head nurse. In between the sobs were apologies: “I’m sorry you have to waste your time comforting me....

It’s Time To Stop Multi-Tasking

If your home is anything like mine, you’ve got a to-do list a mile and a half long. At this very moment, the laundry needs to be moved to the dryer, the kitchen trash...

Outside-the-Box Conversation Starters for Your Next Girls’ Night

I’m a firm believer that few things are more important for a mom’s happiness and mental health than a well-timed, fun-filled Girls' Night Out. Motherhood isn’t easy, and we moms need the support and...

10 Things a Father Should Do With His Teenage Daughter

Today, I recruited my best friend's amazing husband, Kenya to share his experience with raising not just a teenager, but a teenage daughter. We often focus on the little ones, but those young-ins will...

Middle School Is Exhausting

I have the best sister-in-law I could have ever wished for. She is warm, loving, kind, funny and incredible with my kids. She has always been wise about life and perfect with how she...
staying home with school age kids

Becoming A Stay-at-Home Mom When All My Kids Are In School…

My boys are 10, 7 and 6. They are all in school full time. Yet, I have made the decision to become a stay-at-home mom. I know, it seems a little backwards. Most moms...

Wife Wants Breast Implants? What Men Should (and Shouldn’t) Say

Sponsored By: Synergy Plastic Surgery It may come as a shock to some, but guys don't always start doing backflips when their wives or significant others announce they are thinking about getting breast implants. Many men...
Mother's Day Out

Why Mothers Day Out is Worth it

If you had asked me three months ago if Mother’s Day Out (MDO) is worth it, I would have strongly hesitated before answering.  We have our battles.  For one, my daughter is now a...

Should Teens Be Allowed To Trick-Or-Treat? I Say Yes.

Should Teens Be Allowed To Trick-Or-Treat? I Say Yes. I recently read an article (or two) stating that some towns have banned teens from trick-or-treating to the point that it is punishable by fines or even...