My Baby’s First Crush Crushed Me

My baby’s first crush nearly CRUSHED me.  Mamahood has its ups and downs, beautiful and messy moments. Milestones and tantrums and everything in between. We all read the books and the blogs and prepare ourselves...

First Aid Essentials: Build a Hippy(-ish) First Aid Kit

As parents, we have enough to worry about. Having toxic products with endocrine disruptors in our first aid/wilderness kits shouldn't be one of them. When my babies were little babies and they had their first...
Mom Guilt

The Mom Guilt Is Real

Parenting is so hard. How are we to know if we are making the right decisions? How do we know how this decision will impact them forever? Does this mom guilt mean that I’ve...

Top 10 Diaper Bag Must Haves for on the Go!

If you’re like any new parent, those sleep deprived, frazzled first few months will teach you A LOT about what you need whenever you leave the house with your baby and/or young toddler! I’ll...

Having Twins | Twice the Miracle- Twice the Mission

"Double-Double- This- This, Double- Double That-That" has so far proven to be the most accurate and timeless answer to "What's it like having twins"? None of us can deny that there seems to be an...
an example of a vision board

Create Vision Boards With Your Kids This Year

Vision boards are a great tool to help children set goals and visualize their success. Every New Year's Eve our dining room transforms into an artistic assemble of scissors, glue, and magazine clippings. Our family...

How Divorce Taught Me To Help My Children Process Emotions

Emotions are confusing especially when you don’t have a good grasp of how to understand or handle them. Especially when you throw in a divorce. For kids this is exceptionally difficult because they are...

Courage to Leave: A Mother’s Perspective

This is the second in a six-part series on domestic abuse and domestic violence. The new Netflix show, Maid, has brought attention to emotional abuse and the role it plays in domestic violence. The show...

I’m a “Puddle Parent,” and Here’s Why

Helicopter parent. Snowplow parent. Tiger parent. Jellyfish parent? I’ve never strongly identified with any of these parenting styles, but recently I heard one that I can get on board with: puddle parent. Broadly defined,...
Martine Boursiquot-LaConte

5 Things I Wish I Was Told About Motherhood Before Becoming a Mother

As a first time or new parent, the amount of advice from friends, family and strangers alike can at times be helpful and reassuring but can also be completely overwhelming and confusing. There are...