Head Injuries and Kids

I knew the branch was dead. I had been eyeing it after every storm to see if it had fallen yet. What I didn't know was that my daughter could reach it. I sent...

Confessions of a Former Sanctimommy

Sanctimommy:  a female who has very opinionated views on child rearing and presents them upfront without any sense of humility. We all know them, have encountered them in the comment thread of blogs, and like it or...

To the Ex-Husband I Hate, but the Baby Daddy We Adore!

Getting divorced sucked. Being married to someone who was SO obviously not right for me, sucked even more. I was 6 months pregnant, when I knew I would leave my husband. But how? When?...

Surprises That Come With Going to Kindergarten

Last August when my oldest was about to start kindergarten, I felt like a hot, anxious mess.  I vaguely knew what to expect but still faced a lot of unknowns. Would Henry have friends...
Gifts for a New Mom | Austin Moms Blog | Pregnancy and Maternity Gifts

Fail-Proof Gifts for a New Mom

We all know this simple fact - life with a newborn is hard. New moms are hard on themselves. She thinks she has NO idea what she's doing. She doesn't sleep when the baby sleeps....

35 Great Gifts for a First Birthday

Buying gifts can be hard for some, it’s just not their love language. Here are some ideas and tips to get you started, whether it’s for your own child, or a friend’s. Gift Ideas for...

Finding My Purpose Again After Becoming A Mom

Finding My Purpose Again After Becoming A Mom What is our purpose? That's a pretty deep question that I'm sure we've asked ourselves more than once. Those of us who are decisive and quick have...

My Baby’s Pediatrician is My Best Friend

My Baby’s Pediatrician is My Best Friend Written by ARC Mom, June Dung My Lien When my one-year-old is sick, my baby’s pediatrician is quite literally my best friend. Being a mom and caring for a...

10 Tips to Get Your Swimmer Ready for Summer

Get excited, y'all -- summer is practically here! Here's to long sunny days spent at splash pads, Barton Springs Pool and the lake! Swimming is a favorite summertime activity for littles of all ages and...

Why We Don’t Always Choose Kindness

Why We Don't Always Choose Kindness Ok, before y'all get the pitchforks... hear me out. I am in no way talking about marginalized populations. We strongly encourage our kiddos to engage in play or conversations with...