Family-Friendly St. Patrick’s Day in Austin

While green beer may come to mind, St. Paddy's Day can be totally kiddo-cool. From story time, to bagpipes and green ice cream, we've rounded up some great ways to have a Family-Friendly St....

Everybody Into the Pool! An AMB Swim Lesson Guide

  Just as the cobbler’s children had no shoes, this swim teacher’s kid couldn’t do the backstroke worth a lick. In my teens and 20s, I was a lifeguard, swim instructor, and camp aquatics director,...

Work Life Balance…What is That?

When people find out that I'm a full time mom, a full time blogger and a full time employee they often utter the words..."Wow! I don't know how you do it all!" and the...
parenting failure

When You Feel Like A Parenting Failure

We were cooped up in the house for what felt like weeks, although in reality, it was probably only a few days. It wasn't anything dramatic other than a simple virus, but being stuck...

Surviving A Simple Summer

  Let’s all be real for a moment, can we? Because we’ve ALL been there. We’ve ALL sighed the words. “I can’t wait for summer break to be over!” Summer. As a mom. Of littles. Can...

Yes, Our Family Hunts!

Hunting is a Mearig family tradition!  The number one reason we hunt is to spend quality time enjoying the outdoors.  Sitting still in a silent deer blind in the crisp fall air as the...
Austin Moms Blog | What Every Mom REALLY Wants for Mother's Day

What Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day

  Listen up, gentlemen; forget about all the other holidays; hands down, Mother’s Day is most mother's favorite.  Why?  Because when you are a mama 24/7, 365 days of the year, nothing means more to you than...
Limiting Screen Time For Kids, Austin Moms Blog

No TV for You! Why My Child Isn’t Allowed Screen Time

My kiddo (age 16 months... ahem, I mean 1 year 4 months) doesn’t really watch TV. We hardly ever have it on while he is awake. If the TV is actually on while he...

March Family Events in Austin

 🌺Spring is Here!🌼  Oh, how we missed you!  🌷Spring is sunshine and flowers💐, festivals and outdoor fun!  ☀️Here are some fun things for your family to do this spring. Get outside and cherish every...

The Reality of Nature Deficit Disorder, and How You Can Fight It

My toddler has a lot of demands these days, but one that I always try to accommodate is when he asks to go outside (usually followed by another request to take his shoes off)....