A Few Reminders for January: Self-Love Month

January is Self-Love Month. While we are still on a New Year Resolution high, most of us have begun to commit to losing weight or changing something about ourselves this year. In our eyes,...

Why I’m Not Dieting This January

I'm not dieting this January. Here's what I'm trying instead... Growing up I shopped in the “Pretty Plus” section of Sears and Ross. When you are raised by a single, working mom “Making it Work”...

Tips for Dry January

Now that the flurry of cocktail parties, celebrations and special end of the year events have come to an end, many of us are looking to reset and renew for the new year. What...

Botox? Here’s why I love it.

I don’t need Botox, but I want it. It’s like wanting to dye your hair to hide the grays or applying make-up over blemished skin. You don’t need it, but you want it. So...

Sex Ed: The Whys and Hows of the Birds and the Bees

For many new parents, the thought of sex ed (education) either conjures images from the Netflix series or awkward conversations with their own parents from their childhood. It doesn’t have to be this way!...

Relaxation: 13 Simple Ways to Take A Mommy Moment

It is such a challenge to sneak in a relaxation day for ourselves. We often want to relax but look at our never-ending to-do list and feel guilty because there is just so much...

Why I’m Going (and Staying) Gray

My mom was 40 when I was born, and when I was in elementary school that felt to me like she was OLD! Add a few gray hairs on top of it, subtract zero...

Ways to Use Essential Oils in Your Daily Life

Essential oils can be powerful and beneficial for the mind and body when used safely.  Beyond smelling great, EO’s can provide a wide array of health benefits.  Many research studies have shown that these...

Staying Active During Summer when the Kids are Home

Yay, summer is officially here! If you’re a mom of school-aged children, you know that summer brings so many fun things: sleeping in, slower mornings, hanging out at the pool, going on vacation, and...

Confessions of a Yoga Instructor: Finding the Right Yoga for YOU

Yoga is NOT for me...or is it? My first yoga experience was at one of those big box gyms in 2008. I chose that particular class because it fit my schedule and it was free...