Why I’m Spoiling My Husband This Father’s Day

He can do it all. My husband works hard in his career to provide for our family, cooks a great meal, can clean the house, tackle bath time with both the girls, and put...

My Husband Told Me He Loves Me Thirteen Times Today

We were driving somewhere recently when I was struck by a message on one of those road safety billboards – “You can’t see what you don’t look for.” It was about the need to...

How Divorce Taught Me To Help My Children Process Emotions

Emotions are confusing especially when you don’t have a good grasp of how to understand or handle them. Especially when you throw in a divorce. For kids this is exceptionally difficult because they are...

Celebrating PRIDE in and Around Austin

PRIDE is celebrated internationally in the month of June, which purposely coincides with the New York City Stonewall Inn riots. Stonewall was a safe place in Greenwich Village for the LGBT community to socialize...

Why Every Mom Needs a Momcation

Sipping my iced coffee, listening to music that isn’t Disney and enjoying a peaceful solo flight, I reflect back on my weekend. It was a solid momcation with best friends who laughed, ate and...

Has the Art of Hosting Truly Been Lost?

Today it seems everyone is in a rush. Rush to get to work, rush to get home from work, rush to cook dinner, rush get the kids to bed, rush through the kid’s birthday...

He Never Hit Me: My Experience With Domestic Abuse

This is the first in a five-part series on domestic abuse and domestic violence. The new Netflix show, Maid, has brought attention to emotional abuse and the role it plays in domestic violence. The...

How I Found Myself a 90-Day Fiancé

We've all seen the show, but for me, it hits VERY close to home. Here is my story of how I found myself a 90-Day Fiancé. It was a warm Hawaiian summer day as I...