My way, is not the only way

I consider myself an easy going person, a silly mom and fun partner who doesn't take herself too seriously. Rarely do I get upset when other people correct my kids...I do believe it takes...

Simple Ways to Spread Love Everyday

Love is such a wonderful feeling when received and even more important to learn how to give it. Many kids have been hearing “I love you” from significant people in their lives, but how...

Fighting For My Place In The Workforce

We all define ourselves differently. I believe that's what makes being unique so special. We can't define expectations for others, and even have to revisit the ones we set for ourselves. I've learned that to...

Learning to Love Myself This Valentine’s Day

For most of my adult life, I have always felt like I was waiting for love, waiting for “the one” to make his entrance. I have had relationships that burned quickly or raged on...

Weekly Recap

Happy Sunday Austin Moms Blog Mommies!  We thought it would be fun and helpful to provide you all with a weekly summary from this point forward on Sunday mornings.  We know we all get...

My Ex and Our Modern Family

We are a modern family. Over the last 8 years, people have been interested in our family dynamic. Emergency Contact forms usually aren't ready for us. Apologies if the introductions were a little awkward...

How To Make Divorce Easier On Your Kids

If you’d told me 25 years ago I’d be writing a post about how to make divorce easier on your kids - as if it were a subject I would actually know anything about,...

Nothing Sweeter Than An Empty Nest

I can recall when my daughter turned 10-years old, going into a count down mode.  Each year afterwards I was another year closer to an empty nest.  I had big plans, long lists and...

Take A Kid-Free Vacation – Relax, Reconnect, and Relinquish Control

Moms, if you haven't had a kid-free vacation in a while, it's time! The best part of my recent 9 day vacation was spending 4 days in Florida without the kids. And after working from...

The Transition From 0 to 1 Child: A Few Things to Consider

My husband and I were married 1 week after we graduated college, and after 2 years of marriage we were ready to grow our family. We were elated when we found out I was...