Choosing a Joint Account

Joint Bank Account or Separate?

Married and trying to decide on whether or not you should have a joint bank account? Only 40% of married couples share their banks accounts and my husband and I are one of them. Having...

Give Me a Grade on Motherhood!!!

You know what I very often wish? It's kind of weird. I often wish that there could be another could be a friend of mine, or it doesn't have to be....but what she would...

Baby Daddy Spotlight on Wesley

What was your initial reaction when you find out you were going to be a daddy? Scared $hitless- but extremely excited & vulnerable all at the same time. The initial reaction fueled me to...
me too

Me Too

By now you may have heard of the #MeToo movement. A movement to get women to say out loud – I was harassed, molested, abused, assaulted and maybe even raped. The other night when I...

Two Introverts And A Baby

  Two Introverts And A Baby When my husband and I were expecting our baby, we talked a lot about how our lives were going to change. We were prepared to sleep less. We also knew...

Learning from Dad

  We did it. We've been parents for a year. I'm exhausted, but you seem to have boundless energy. I remember the early days, watching you look at her like you'd never seen anything so magnificent....

Mom’s Guide To Effortless Journaling

Mom's Guide To Effortless Journaling I’ll never forget the moment I received my first journal. I was five that Christmas, and Santa knew how I'd longed for a special space of my own to record...
Father's Day

Love Letters for Father’s Day

Dearest Chad, I will never forget our first date. Completely smitten, I gushed at you. Feeling my small world and heart open with possibility, I timidly approached the question, "Do you see yourself having children?"...

Confessions of a Former Sanctimommy

Sanctimommy:  a female who has very opinionated views on child rearing and presents them upfront without any sense of humility. We all know them, have encountered them in the comment thread of blogs, and like it or...