Baby Items Worth The Splurge

Isn’t it overwhelming to search online for baby items? Reviews after reviews, gadgets for everything, and the list goes on.  Truth is, most of it you don’t need. Save the money you’d spend on...

Attachment Parenting: The Benefit of Touch

If you didn’t know already, I’m a big advocate of hugging (see my blog post on why hugging is so good for you). So it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that I’m a...

The Power of Mom’s Love :: Brain Dead Mama Gives Birth To Her Baby...

The power of a mama's love is something that is continually shown. Despite being brain dead, a mom in the Czech Republic gave birth to a healthy baby girl 117 days after the mother...

Terrible Twos? Try Threenagers.

  People always talk about the “terrible twos.” There are tons of jokes out there about a kid's second year. Heck even popular T.V. shows address the issue (see this Terrible Twos episode from the...

A Thank You to my Labor and Delivery Nurse

On the evening of January 18th, I checked into the hospital. Baby #2 was on her way. During labor for baby #1 a labor and delivery nurses told me, “Each baby has their own way...

These Are The Products I Wish I Had Registered For As A First Time...

When I had my son, I didn’t know a thing about what he/we would really need. Luckily, I have an older sister who already had a baby. She was a great help in getting...

Best Consignment Stores For Kids And Moms In Austin

Best Consignment Stores For Kids And Moms In Austin As someone who loves to shop but also loves a discount, consignment stores have long been a favorite of mine. I get a thrill out of...

20 Must-Haves During Cold & Flu Season

Don't be fooled by this lovely warmer weather we've been having...cold/flu season is still in full force!  Actually, it's funny I should be writing this post, as half our family is currently under the weather....

Dear Friends, BRB…….

Dear friends, Oh hey, it’s me. Remember? That girl who used to at one point like to have a good time. Who showed up to dinners and girls nights and shamelessly could handle a bottle of...

Why I Stopped Drinking Diet Soda

Many moons ago, my drink of choice was Coke Zero. When I became pregnant back in 2011, however, I remember reading that I should avoid drinking diet soda. Not only does diet soda oftentimes contain...