anniversary gifts

Anniversary Gifts, Austin-Style

  Life has a way of making us think we have all this time, right? And then suddenly you realize tomorrow's your anniversary, and you end up sneaking off to Walgreen's in the middle of...
kid-free vacation

Why You Can and SHOULD Take a Kid-Free Vacation

The last kid-free vacation my husband I had was just about six years ago. Seriously, we didn't even really take a honeymoon (read: young and poor). And since our kiddos were born, we've never spent...

5 Valentine Ideas for the Busy Couple

Let me say, while I fully get the idea that we shouldn't just be romantic one day of the year, the reality is when you're a busy couple you don't turn down any reason...

Egg Roll Bowl with Honeysuckle White Turkey

Who wouldn't want to chow down on some egg rolls right now?? Yum! We all know they aren't the healthiest thing to eat so we like to chow down on our Egg Roll in a Bowl recipe...

I Love South Austin

Welcome to the south, y'all. If you live south of the river, you know the TRUTH... Living in South Austin is like winning the jackpot. From being a short drive to some of the city's best food to endless...

Out-of-the-Box Date Nights in Austin

This time of year always fills me to the brim with contentment that has nothing to do with puffy vests or Ugg boots. Let’s be clear. I’ll take tamales over pumpkin-spiced lattes any day....

10 (In Home) Date Night Ideas

As mothers we are constantly busy -- changing diapers, getting kids dressed, getting kids fed, driving kids around, calming kids down, rolling around on the floor with kids, keeping kids entertained -- god forbid you get...

The Best Burgers in Austin

Burgers are a staple in our house. We are straight up carnivores, and love sinking our teeth into a delicious burger. Ok, really if you are getting technical, we are omnivores, but you get...

20 Questions To Ask Your Husband On Date Night

I look forward to date night just as much as any other woman. Who doesn’t enjoy wearing actual clothes that are somewhat in fashion, savoring great food or exploring new adventurous activities?! Pre-kids, dates...
10 Unique Boutiques

10 Unique Boutiques You Need to Visit in Austin

In Austin, we do a lot of things REALLY well. Tacos. Tex-Mex. Hiking in the Green Belt. Dog Parks. In addition to these ATX staples, though, Austin is also home to fashionistas like yourself. There...