First I’m ME, Then I’m Mama

First I'm ME, Then I'm Mama   Listen, I eat, sleep, and breathe #momlife. I’m all Mama, all day, everyday. But let’s get one thing straight, before there was “mama”, there was me... and I’m not...

Why I’m Spoiling My Husband This Father’s Day

He can do it all. My husband works hard in his career to provide for our family, cooks a great meal, can clean the house, tackle bath time with both the girls, and put...

The Kids Are Back At School, Now What?

The Kids Are Back At School, Now What? People aren’t usually forward enough to ask what I do when my oldest goes to school while my youngest is still at home. But they do often...

Losing A Parent Has Made Me A Better Mother

Losing A Parent Has Made Me A Better Mother This fall marks the eleventh anniversary of my dad’s death. In honor of him, and to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s (September is World Alzheimer’s month), I...

Do You Feel A Bit Like A Rubber Band During The Holidays?

The holiday season forces most people to feel a bit like a rubber band being pulled in various directions in order to accommodate all family’s feelings and happiness. If you’re like most people, you...

Worth It Wednesday: Going Out On New Year’s Eve

Ready for the countdown? Want to have a nice dinner with your main squeeze first?  Well, be prepared to pay top price for that dinner if it's New Year's Eve. In my experience, your local...

Love and Logic, How Many Reminders Does It Take?

How Many Reminders Does it Take? As parents we are faced with opportunities to teach our children all day long. However, not every moment is immediately recognizable as “teachable.” Sometimes our gut reaction robs our...

Am I an Absent Mother?

Confession: I spend more time working than I do with my kids. I’m not proud of it. Embarrassed, actually. Now, before you go wagging your finger at me, let me defend myself. I'm the mother...

Brain Basics #5: Your Brain In Relationships

Alright, so I’m bringing this brain series to a close, and for the grand finale, I thought we’d look at your brain in significant relationships...your spouse, your partner, your best and closest family and...

Prioritizing Your Marriage After Kids

This is a fitting topic for me as my husband and I just got back from a trip for our 10-year anniversary. We went away for 4 days without the kids to really spend...