3 Breakthrough Thoughts For Stress Awareness Month

Hey mama, I know you have a lot on your hands right now and are fully aware of your stress load. My guess is you’re running on negative time (I’m convinced a mother will...

Burn Bootcamp | Limited Offer

Burn Bootcamp's elite certified personal trainers will push you to your limits and completely transform your life. You’ll get all the benefits of personal training in an exciting and encouraging group setting. Every Burn Bootcamp...

How to Spring Clean Your Makeup and Skincare

You guys! Did you know makeup and skincare have an expiration date? Yep. Most of these consumable products are only good for about a year (less if they’re used on your eyes)! Many of...

Inhale Solitude, Exhale Loneliness

As care-givers we are often running at full-speed, on low energy and high expectations. Every once in a while we are able to carve out some alone time--some solitude. Maybe our partner takes the...

Spring Into Exercise After Baby: Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is a condition that many mothers deal with and they may not even know it. A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy, not the least of which is the physical changes...

The Decision to Ditch Drinking: My Journey Towards a Sober Life

COVID changed the world and it changed something in each of us. How we work, what we deem important, how we treat our bodies and reprioritize what "health" means to our families. One personal,...

Mom’s Guide To Creating the Best Birth Plan

"Wait... I need a 'Birth Plan?' Isn't the plan to ... give birth?" When I signed up for the Bradley Birth Method class, we had no idea of the number of interventions possible during labor...

Celebrating Women in Sports

I’m a PE teacher at a school that holds class outside - and on rainy days we have to pivot and go indoors (we don’t have a gym.) Normally our fun and games turn...

Take A Kid-Free Vacation – Relax, Reconnect, and Relinquish Control

Moms, if you haven't had a kid-free vacation in a while, it's time! The best part of my recent 9 day vacation was spending 4 days in Florida without the kids. And after working from...

First Aid Essentials: Build a Hippy(-ish) First Aid Kit

As parents, we have enough to worry about. Having toxic products with endocrine disruptors in our first aid/wilderness kits shouldn't be one of them. When my babies were little babies and they had their first...